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Motivating and Activating Widows Through Caring, Encouraging, Strengthening and Support

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The Vision For WIA Int'l

WIA wants to bring about awareness for widows and widowers (50 years or older), their needs and overall well-being, to government, church, community and business through an organized networking approach, ultimately resulting in a Federally recognized Widows Day on the Gregorian calendar.

What We Offer

Meeting The Need Through:

  • Grief Groups

  • Mental Health Therapy

  • Resource Connections

  • Care Packages

  • Emotional Support

  • Social Connections

  • Spiritual Empowerment



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Widows In Action was created to empower, motivate and activate widows and widowers into action. Those who were dependent upon their spouse, will become a well informed, independent man or woman, who will be able to utilize or develop new skills to enhance their lives and the lives of others.


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International Widows Day

Thank you all for celebrating International Widows Day. We want to thank you all for your love and support. Please check out the videos and proclamation regarding Widows In Action.

Widows In Action 2023 Flyer

Become A Covenant Partner with WIA

Become a WIA Covenant Partner! Help us Motivate and Activate widows though Caring, Encouraging, Strengthening and Supporting them!

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Covenant Partner Membership Form

*Please Note: Active Membership Period: June 24th current year through June 23rd following year. 


Please use the "Donate" link to complete your Covenant Partner Membership. Thank you! 

International Widows Day

The United Nations observes June 23rd as International Widows Day, to draw attention to the voices and experiences of widows and to galvanize the unique support that they need.


The loss of a partner is devastating. For many women around the world, that loss is magnified
by a long-term struggle for basic needs, their human rights and dignity. They may be denied inheritance rights to the piece of land that they relied on for livelihood or evicted from their homes, forced into unwanted marriages or traumatizing widowhood rituals.

They are stigmatized for life, shunned and shamed. And, many of these abuses go unnoticed, even normalized. There are an estimated 258 million widows around the world, and nearly one in ten live in extreme poverty.


As women, they have specific needs, but their voices and experiences are
often absent from policies that impact their survival.

Information extracted from United Nations website

June 23, 2022

Invisible Women, Invisible Problems
For many women around the world, the devastating loss of a partner is magnified by a long-term fight
for their basic rights and dignity. Despite the fact that there are more than 258 million widows around
the world, widows have historically been left unseen, unsupported, and unmeasured in our societies.
Today, as armed conflicts, displacement and migration, and the COVID-19 pandemic leave tens of
thousands of women newly widowed and many others whose partners are missing or disappeared,
the unique experiences and needs of widows must be brought to the forefront, with their voices
leading the way.

Experience from past pandemics, for example HIV/AIDS and Ebola, shows that widows are often
denied inheritance rights, have their property grabbed after the death of a partner, and can face
extreme stigma and discrimination, as perceived ‘carriers’ of disease. Worldwide, women are much
less likely to have access to old age pensions than men, so the death of a spouse can lead to
destitution for older women. In the context of lockdowns and economic closures, widows may not
have access to bank accounts and pensions to pay for healthcare if they too become ill or to support
themselves and their children. With lone-mother families and single older women already particularly
vulnerable to poverty, this is an area that needs urgent attention.

On International Widows’ Day, June 23rd, take a look at some of the issues affecting widows around
the world and what must be done to safeguard and advance their rights.

Source and to learn more, go to,unique%20support%20that%20they%20need.

Did you know?

  • There are an estimated 258 million widows around the world, and nearly one in ten live in extreme poverty.

  • In some parts of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, it is reported that around 50 per cent of women are widows.

  • Widows are coerced into participating in harmful, degrading and even life-threatening traditional practices as part of burial and mourning rights.


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